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India Is Us, in Association With FairGaze, Will Distribute 50,000 Sanitary Pads in Slums of Delhi & NCR
News | New Delhi, Friday , 28 May 2021

Summary: India Is Us (I2U)Social Foundation and FairGaze have joined hands to celebrate the World Menstrual Hygiene Day, on 28th May 2021, with a month long campaign titled #OneDayForMenstrualHygiene. The campaign aims to spread period-positivity by raising awareness around sustainable menstrual hygiene practices and periods, dispelling age-old myths and stereotypes. The objective is to facilitate more conversation about menstruation, health, and hygiene among non-profit communities, their beneficiaries, young students and their parents, and the school community.
There is an imminent need to spread period positivity and awareness about menstrual health and hygiene practices. Lack of access to sanitary napkins is pretty evident from the statistics shared by the National Family Health Survey 2015-2016. The alarming statistics state only 36 percent of women use sanitary pads i.e., out of 336 million menstruating women only about 121 million women are using sanitary napkins, locally or commercially produced. In India, more than 300 million women and girls rely on old clothes/rags. Things definitely need to change and from now!
Keeping the same view at heart, India Is Us (I2U Social Foundation), a community development initiative working with NGOs, joined hands with leading school media FairGaze to conduct the #OneDayForMensturalHygiene campaign. The campaign got a reach of over 5 lakhs and over 25,000 engagements in social media. In addition to engaging 5,000+ students of both the genders from over 80 schools across 16+ states, the campaign distributed of 50,000 sanitary napkins in the slums of DelhiNCR.
Speaking about the month-long campaign, Sudheen M, Founder Director of India Is Us remarked, "I feel privileged to be a part of the #OneDayForMenstrualHygiene campaign. Our aim was to facilitate conversation around periods across gender, to sensitize about the issue, and spread period-positivity".The campaign is aligned with the implementation of the UN-led Sustainable Development Goals SDG-3 ‘Good Health & Well-Being’.
The campaign concluded with the announcement of winners of the campaign. The winners were decided on the basis of engagement participants were able to get on their pictures showing red and green dots drawn on the palm of their hand. The red and green dots symbolized period positivity and sustainable hygiene practices respectively.
The event culminated with an informative panel discussion held on 28th May 2021, led by Mr. VivekAtray (Advisor at FairGaze), Ms. Priyanka N Jain (Founder of Hygiene And You & Soch Green), and Ms. Annika Lundkvist (Chief Editor of Pacific Roots Magazine). The campaign was supportedby Unicharm, AIESEC, World Parliament, Setu-Bridging the Gap and Eco Femme.
Unicharm, a Japanese company that manufactures feminine hygiene products under the popular brand Sofy, extended its support to the World Menstrual Hygiene Day campaign and donated about 50,000 sanitary pads for distribution among the needy during this pandemic.
About India Is Us (I2U) Social Foundation
India Is Us (I2U) Social Foundation determined to help NGOs perform better through capacity building and sustainable growth. I2U works with numerous NGOs across India and is focused on twelve causes, including literacy and education, health and nutrition, environmental conservation, womenempowerment, poverty alleviation, care for the elderly, animal welfare, skill development, inclusivity for people with disability, child welfare, WASH and heritage.
SDG School Program by FairGaze
FairGaze SDG Program is an initiative to help schools actively engage students in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. India Is Us extends support to FairGaze in gathering the support of stakeholders from NGOs and corporate to make a measurable impact on creating awareness among students, helping them to become responsible future citizens of the country.
FairGaze is the leading student-focused engagement ecosystem for the school community, which works with various stakeholders and policymakers, including organizers of premium events associated with the education industry. FairGazehas engaged with over 1 million students from over 15,000 schools across India.
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